Sunday, April 07, 2013

Personality leadership

When people are placed in or elected to a higher position to exercise leadership, they create many complicated situations if they were not trained in the leadership of their own personality.

Our personality is a group of three elementals who are inclined toward the involutionary path. The human soul has to shift the tendency toward the evolutionary path. This is the leadership related to personality.

The physical body has the tendency toward inertia, apathy, laziness, automation, or mechanicalness and habit.

The emotional body has the tendency to fall into agitation, excitement, into fear, anger, hate, jealousy, and to exercise slander, malice, and treason.

The mental body has the tendency toward fanaticism, greed, ego, vanity, and separatism, which manifest through many unpleasant thoughtforms and actions.

Now the human soul has to shift these tendencies and, as a leader, direct the elementals toward his own light, love, and power.

If a person is not trained in such a leadership, whenever he is put into a position of family, group, national, or global leadership he creates immense problems in his field because the vices and involutionary inclinations rule him and use his position to bring greater damage and distortion in the field in which  he is working.

A person’s vices and involutional inclinations become more disturbing and devastating elements as he carries them with him into higher positions and larger fields of responsibilities. That is why before one is trusted to a leadership position he must be graduated from the school of personality leadership.

When you are not ready for the position you are in, that position does not bring joy and fulfillment into your life. You feel inside of you that you do not fit, and this situation brings tension and irritation into your life. You complain and fight with people around you, put pressure on them so that you prove your failing leadership.

In true leadership you must feel fulfillment, joy, and happiness. A true leader is a manifestation of higher principles and plans, intelligently adapted to the level of people around him.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership vol.4

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