Saturday, April 13, 2013

To spread beauty is a heroic task

To spread beauty is a heroic task. The army of ugliness is powerful. This army is composed of those who are in the trap of their maya, glamors, and illusions and are heavily loaded with karma. It is composed of those also who are consciously and unconsciously serving the involutionary forces, the dark brotherhood, whose intention is to retard the evolution of humanity. This army is well organized and has a powerful influence on money, politics, justice, and commerce. They use all possible means to fight against any organized beauty that is intended to lift up humanity as one race.

Their ugliness is expressed through literature, movies, nightclubs, houses of prostitution, gambling, drugs, acid and rock music, through many paintings, drawings, and illustrations.

Beauty opposes all these and indirectly hurts the business of the army of ugliness.

Ugliness fights:

-against purity
-against law and order
-against human rights
-against unity
-against culture and true education.

Whenever you see the distortion of beauty-stay away-because ugliness is malignant and it degenerates your system, your symphony.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

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