Monday, April 15, 2013

What is an artist?

The word "artist" is not usually defined in a proper way. An artist is a person who brings the Plan and Purpose of the Great Life into objectivity, thus building a bridge between humanity and its Source.

In this sense a politician can be a great artist when he tries to rule and to lead humanity to its highest good.

An educator can be a great artist when he tries to bring to birth the divine potentials in his students.

A philosopher can be a great artist when he tries to bring into our life the meaning and purpose of existence.

A scientist can be a great artist in the sense that all his discoveries are the laws and principles by which the Great Artist of the universe works. Science reveals the architecture within the beauty.

A religious man can be a great artist by trying to reveal the love and virtues of the Soul, and by building a ladder of ascent towards the ideal.

An economist can be a great artist in creating those ways and means by which the wealth of the planet can be enjoyed by all, and the standard of living can be raised to a new dimension for all.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Flame of Beauty, Culture, Love, Joy

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