Monday, May 27, 2013

Does our Inner Guide always answer our questions?

It is possible that the Inner Source seems to reject our questions, without answering them. It does not, but it appears so

a. when we are not worthy for the answer
b. when we are not ready to understand it
c. when our sky is too clouded with our "crimes" or karmic liabilities.

In such conditions the answer comes but instantaneously disappears. Such answers are not lost; they exist in space and help others with the same questions.

When you present your questions, the following points must be remembered:

1. You must have no doubt that you will get an answer.
2. Your question must not have strings tied to them.

You should not condition the forms of your answers by your desires or by your speculations. When you formulate your expected answers within the form of your questions, you do not receive pure answers. Your expectations create disturbances, both in the answering and the receiving process.

Sometimes we even attract a great amount of fear to our questions. Our fear prevents the answer from reaching us in its purity because we feel the answer will be destructive to us, prevent us from going in a certain direction, or demand a great amount of sacrifice from us.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Education as Transformation vol.1

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