Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sliding backward on the path

On the path of discipleship there is a law to which many do not pay attention. This law states, "Whoever stops on a step of the ladder, he not only breaks the law but also violates the rights of other people to proceed."

People enjoy life with relationships, dreams, and activities on the same level they have achieved. They read books on the same level. They meditate with the same form of meditation and on the same level of the mind, and eventually their life becomes a fenced field in which they feel happy and make their followers happy.

There is a grave danger in such a form of life. The disciple must move forward in his contacts, level, and creative service, or else he can turn and become an obstacle for himself and others. Eventually he works against those who are progressing ahead.

There are people who enter into the portion of the path for which they are ready. They work and labor for a few years and then seek shallow waters to enjoy their tired personality. They remain wise people, but spiritually they retrogress and become a bad example for others.

Once you lose the conquered territories of your spiritual striving and walk back toward your former states of consciousness, for a long time you remain sliding backward on your path. If you are lucky, life leads you into crises and painful conditions to turn you toward the future. The lost territories cannot be regained with easy effort, and often the price you pay is enormous. It is at this stage that you lose your vision.

There are also some travelers who travel on the backs of others. These are the private secretaries, co-workers, or spouses of the leaders or teachers who, because of their closeness, assume that they know everything and do not follow the disciplines. They slowly are left behind in their evolution, and when the time comes to be called for advanced promotion, they cannot meet the challenge or accept the positions, being unable to meet the responsibilities.

It is important that close co-workers of leaders spend more effort to walk on the path of spiritual discipline because they are the ones who will carry the torch of the Teaching ahead when the leader withdraws from his labor.

It is vanity to think that when you are with advanced people you are advanced and you do not need proper discipline to surpass and transcend yourself.

There are also leaders who, after a few accomplishments, sink into satisfaction and do not pursue striving and discipline.

All spiritual work requires unceasing, continuous perseverance to surpass oneself and to create larger fields of service on higher and higher planes. This is why no leader must be satisfied with his progress and achievement because he slowly prepares the seeds of destruction, apathy, and inertia.

The path is found only by a moving light. Wherever the point of light stops moving toward a future achievement, a person turns in a short while into a point of darkness.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership Vol.5

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