Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Law of Decay

People think that to enjoy the life it is better to deceive oneself and impose the idea that things do not decay and life will proceed in the garden of youth, prosperity, reputation, and happiness. Actually such an attitude contains the seeds of all future disappointments and unhappiness.

Children must learn from the age of three that new things will be old and disappear. All forms of life will decay eventually and vanish. They must learn to detach from forms and life in a state of consciousness which is not disturbed by such changes. Teach them how to adapt themselves to change, to decay, and to the renewal process without identification. They must learn that there is no condition that will not pass. If they learn this fact, they will feel deep joy that comes from the realization that they are, in a sense, the Changeless One.

If the Law of Decay is taught to children, they will be protected from the hundreds of shocks they will have during their life and avoid dire consequences for the future. Most psychological and physical problems are the effect of shocks: shocks related to change of conditions, health changes, age changes, death, separation, and so on. Teaching the Law of Decay will build the observer in them who is above all changes of decay and disintegration.

A new generation of people who is aware of the Law of Decay will be a generation with freedom, non-attachment, peace, understanding, respect for the forms that they recently have had and non-attachment to the forms which are ready to be old and disappear.

Greed, materialism, separation, and attachment are the causes of wars, are the causes of increasing taxes, are the causes of psychological and physical diseases.

The Law of Let It Go must be intelligently explained in the light of karma and reincarnation, and it must be emphasized that there is no permanency in the Cosmic Physical Plane. All is subject to change, decay, and annihilation. A culture and civilization based on such a fact can produce superhuman beings who know how to live in the Universe. The Law of Decay opens the vision of future regeneration to those who stand detached in life.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership vol.5

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