Monday, June 24, 2013

Abortive works - Doing things perfectly

Inner perfection is achieved by trying to make our actions perfect. If we do not try to make our actions perfect, the inner potentials cannot manifest. We can take the inner potentials under our control only when we learn to manifest them in their perfection.

Manifestation makes the Unmanifested One exist. This is why we must do things perfectly in our daily life as much as we can, remembering that in every work done perfectly a part of our greatness is manifesting and taking existence.

The wheel of incarnation turns again and again and brings us there where we were if we do not learn our lessons. And the greatest lesson is to do things perfectly as far as we can.

This means that most of our suffering, pain and problems are the result of our actions that were not performed consciously, wholeheartedly, and under our whole attention.

People are often absent during their actions. Their bodies, emotions, and thoughts work mechanically, but they are not there. Actions under such conditions produce abortive works.

Each time one has an abortion, he not only destroys the form for which he worked for a long time but also damages his psychic mechanism, and he is forced again and again into similar circumstances to have a perfect “baby.”

Thus not only are physical abortions facts, but also abortions of many other kinds. For example, you do not perform your duty, you escape from responsibility, write a stupid letter, do the cleaning halfway, type with ten mistakes, you do not sew your skirt in a good way, you do not repair machinery as needed, you failed to defend a friend in court, failed in your office of presidency, you failed to put all the beauty with which you are equipped into your book, you do not do perfect editing, you do not put your whole heart into your job, or you failed to educate your children and make them the best human beings. These are all abortions, and you will be forced to go back and tread the same path with a better walk. This is what life is.

Some people hesitate to engage themselves in certain jobs, with the excuse that they cannot do them perfectly. This is not what we are talking about. Perfection is reached by doing things with the intention to do them perfectly. Intention is a very important word here. Even if you fail, your intention to succeed will lift you to a higher level.

Those who do things carelessly, with no intention of doing them perfectly, will lower their efficiency and face more problems.

A Great One once said, “I must see you in all your works.” The inner beauty must shine in al our activities, and this is what it is trying to do in the course of evolution – to help you to be in your manifestation that which you are in your unmanifested state. The approximation of these two poles takes ages because the distance between them is not a short one.

This distance is the Path, is the life span of the Monad, on which he must travel and evolve and unfold until he meets Himself at the end of the Path – like the snake that bites its tail and makes itself perfect – as a circle without a beginning and an end.

A half-done work creates karma, and karma forces us to do it again.

My Mother used to say that our duties are our debts. By paying our debts, you release yourself from your duties. Hence, do things as well as you can.

The feeling of satisfaction and joy which we have after doing something with all our heart and might is the greatest healing power that Nature gives us.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership vol.5

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