Saturday, July 13, 2013

Real admiration changes people

Real admiration changes people. If you are always sour and critical and pitying, you make your friends smaller. And because your friends become smaller, you become smaller. You are as great as your friends are great. Make your friends, husband, wife, children greater, and you will be greater. You can make them greater if you water and take care of all the beauty that they have. That is what admiration is.

Admiration is fertilizing, watering, bringing sunshine to the sprouts that are within our hearts. You can go to some houses and see poverty and unhappiness and failure. The first thing you are going to look for is this: Is there admiration in this house or not? If there is no admiration, everything falls down.

Friendship falls down if it is not built on admiration. You can love a girl, a man, but if it is for self-interest or selfish motives, the relationship will not work for long. If you really admire a person, if you really stand with him or her, it will work because admiration is also the cement of unity. Whomever you admire stays with you – not only stays with you but blooms.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Leadership vol.5

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