Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dark ones degenerate the images of Great Ones

Dark ones degenerate the images of Great Ones. For example, I once attended a play about Goethe, where Goethe was presented in such a ridiculous and dirty way that no one in the audience would want to read what he wrote. A recent movie about Mozart depicts him as a disfigured, ridiculous, and dirty man, who just happened to write beautiful music. The dark ones used Mozart’s great music as a trap to impress in you an ugly image of his personality. You will never again have the same image of that artist because of the way they destroyed his image. In another film, the Virgin Mary is depicted as an ugly prostitute. It was terrifying to see this sacred symbol of purity so horribly defiled. Another film depicts a saint engaged in homosexual activities. That saint has been worshiped for hundreds of years, and now they are presenting him as a homosexual. Anyone who hates homosexuals will now hate that saint. And the evil one responsible will say, “I did it! I created disrespect for a worshiped image.” As if asleep, people pay millions to view these dramas and films which encourage them to create more and more damage to the human race.
This is a technique that the evil ones use. Who are they? Not a particular nation or tradition is responsible, but people found in all nations and all traditions.
Try being a teacher and you will see how very difficult it is in this day and age to deal with children. It is a very difficult duty. You must be a psychologist to do it. There are lots of disturbances in the psyches of children because of the movies and television shows they watch. Television and films are wonderful instruments for education, however, if they are used properly.
-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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