Sunday, October 20, 2013

The dark forces work through the controversial issue of abortion

The dark forces work through the controversial issue of abortion. Abortion is the result of the activities of the dark forces. Abortion must never be performed unless the mother’s life is in danger. Dark forces are especially against those souls who are spiritually advanced. Evil forces work to prevent advanced people from taking incarnation. They want to send an advanced soul to the Subtle World so that there are fewer soldiers of Light to fight against them on the physical plane of the planet. In the future we must not even think about abortion, but find solutions to avoid it.
Question: What about China’s current efforts to limit population problems with abortion? What about birth control in general?
Answer: Birth control is all right, but the best method is discipline and natural methods. Even so, you are still trying to limit the number of people being born on the planet, which includes advanced people as well as premature incarnations. This planet could hold another two hundred billion people, if we lived correctly. But because we do not live correctly, there is not adequate space or food for them. If we lived according to the doctrines of Christ, Buddha, and Krishna, we would have plenty of life’s necessities. Actually, humanity is currently wasting ninety percent of its natural resources. If we look at the situation scientifically, we waste for the most part; we are involved in greed, competition, jealousy, and the “mine-yours” psychology for the most part. Animals know their sexual purpose more than we do. We are perverted and brainwashed. We look upon sex as a daily necessity, like eating. Once our glamors and illusions are gone, sex will be regulated so that it will be used only in need. We will eventually come to realize that sex is necessary only to bring a child. How can we reach this awareness if our mechanisms are distorted and disturbed? We must accommodate and compensate until we reach the ideal. We do not need it, but we crave it because our movies, newspapers, parents, loneliness, and propaganda urge us toward excessive sexual activity. If we attain a natural, clean consciousness, however, we need much less sex than our current habits. It is a waste. The fluids involved in sex are Cosmic substances which are given to humanity to connect the Intuitional Plane to the human being. When this substance, this precious energy, is wasted, it cannot do the work for which it is intended. The best policy is to use common sense and be as clean and pure as possible.
When I first came to the United States I was surprised to find that twelve and thirteen-year-olds were having sex. A person should not have sex before age eighteen, and then it must be in marriage.
There is some tolerance that we can allow to a certain degree, but not too much. We not only tolerate following our own sexual urges and drives, but also we encourage others to do so. Eventually, however, a time comes when we see how we misuse ourselves and others. This is the moment that we crush our sexual glamor and stand in light. Of course we regret what we did in the past, but we think about the future and plan our life to handle our energies more creatively.
In Atlantean times, syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDS were so widespread that they destroyed that civilization. The safest route is purity. Have sexual relations only with your husband or wife. Be very careful that you do not indirectly force your marriage partner into unhealthy sexual practices. In everything you do, use your higher concept, your higher intelligence. Using this method you can more easily detect the hands of Satan sitting in your sacral center controlling you.
-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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