Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The human soul from the moment of conception is attached to the embryo through the life-thread and slowly penetrates into the body as the embryo grows. At the fourth month, the human soul finally anchors and focuses itself in the pineal body of the embryo. This is why abortion is a crime against the human soul.

We are told that when the embryo is destroyed and its life-thread cut by abortion, the incarnating human soul either tries to obsess the mother and create psychological disturbances in her or wanders in the etheric plane for many years unable to proceed on the path of his evolution. Such souls when incarnated again, have a deep-seated phobia of death which runs, like a thread, throughout their life.

In this modern world a married or single woman can find many excuses for having an abortion, such as the financial situation, or they have too many children already, or a child will interfere with their careers, and so on. But why must the child be the victim? Why are all these points and excuses not considered and taken care of before conception? A child must not suffer death because of the carelessness of his or her mother. And there will always be some couple or some individual who will welcome the child into their home.

Can you imagine if a child has the possibility to take the mother to court for killing him!

-Torkom Saraydarian
Woman, Torch of the Future


  1. You are absolutely right on! It's funny how there are no longer opinions on most things when you understand the spiritual facts. It's no wonder many women have trouble conceiving after committing this offense against the Divine. I heard the most heartwarming story of a woman who had an abortion and got pregnant again a few years later with the same man. For whatever reason (holding a better energy and understanding I guess), she thankfully kept the child this time and proceeded with natural birth. When the child was 4 or 5 years old, he said to his mother; "Mom, I've been trying to come to you and daddy for a while now and I know you didn't want me at first, but I forgive you." That realized level of connection is so precious!

  2. Mike Weiss, I was wondering what the source of this story is about the child with the memory: "Mom, I've been trying to come to you and daddy for a while now and I know you didn't want me at first, but I forgive you."

