Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The esoteric definition of the term "future"

Those who really think about the future and about their future achievements literally bring into their sphere of their consciousness the fire of their Spirit. They create a fire in their own soul.
The common meaning of the term “future” is thought of as “tomorrow” or “a few million years later.” In esotericism, however, “future” means “the presence of the Spark in our soul, the One Who is everlasting, the One Who is infinite.” When one contacts this Spark through his effort, striving, vision, thinking, speaking, concentration, labor, or service, he brings that light into formation and plants it in his own sphere of mind and brain. He becomes the future because he has now identified himself with a part of himself that is everlasting.
-Torkom Saraydarian 
Spiritual Regeneration

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