Monday, December 30, 2013

That one is God...

The one that fails to make an effort to inspire within Him the fragrance of purity, is the human that will live his life with the uncontrolled passions and the shaky imbalance of a stray, wild animal. The one that has admitted to his faults and makes a sincere effort to wipe the stains of impurity, will bring in his life the role model of a God that will lead him, uplift him and will inspire him to aspire for the goodness, the perfection, and the stability of his chosen ideal. The one whose nature is truth, whose character reflects purity, whose principles will shake to no threat, whose virtues and morals are unblemished, whose reaction is only of selfless compassion, whose defeat to any worldly temptation is inconceivable and impossible, whose service is unrepayable, whose value can never be finite, and who can never be sold nor bought, who gives to find even more of the treasure of love, such a human, exists in the bliss and contentment of Godhood. Yes! That one is God that requires no effort to please for he is pleasing himself. That one is God, who requires no proof, for he is the trust in all. That one is God, who requires no offering, for he has all to offer and all to give. That one is God, that drinks all tears, for he is the one that smiles only to absorb the pain of all. That one is God, that will punish himself to correct the wrong of another. That one is God, My dears, who accepts willingly the worries of another and keeps his, a secret. That one is God that will provide for another, only to sacrifice his very own need. That one is God, who worries for the one that accuses and blames him of falsehood. That one is God, whose nature requires no effort to reflect the purity and simpleness of truth. Yes! That one has ended his life as a human and become Me.

You, My dears, are born to exist in this bliss, you are born to shed each impression made by the mind in this birth and in previous births, you are born to tackle with the hunger of your desires, you are born to reach inward, and derive from within, the strength of nobleness that exists in the true self. Kill, O child, the perceptions of your imaginary God that dwells in another world, far beyond your reach. Threaten, O brave one, each fear with your existing knowledge of the truth and fight the war of your impatience. Melt your desire for gold into the ornament of fulfillment and contentment. Tease the enticements of delusion with your strength of rejection. Accept the blame of ignorance with the maturity of the wise and sincere spiritual aspirant. Suffocate the senses with the ropes of self discipline and control. Subdue the voice of the ego and awaken the voice of the conscience. Exert, My dears, every atom of strength to rebel against the power of your own inner evil. Say "No" now, and today, will be better than yesterday, and tomorrow, My child, will be perfect! Know that the efforts in you are mine - the gain is only yours. Know that the pain of sacrifice that you will endure are My tears - the benefit of sacrifice will be only yours. Know that the faith that faces the trials of love, is Me - the reward of receiving boundless love is only yours!

-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt II - 30)

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