Thursday, January 02, 2014

Do not work for results - Work for the future

We sometimes wonder how it is possible not to think about results when our next action depends upon the results. However, when one is looking for certain outcomes, he is imposing his own ideas on the results. If one does not expect results, however, he lets the forces of Nature and karmic influences work things out and bring the right outcome.  When one expects certain effects, he forces his expectations and may cause an abortion of the right results. If we let Nature do it, Nature will bring us a better “baby” than we ever planned. When one looks for results, he works for the results instead of for the future.

If a person planted a garden and did not think about the results, would he really take all the steps to insure the safety of the seeds so that birds would not eat them, and so on? The point is to work hard in the garden without worrying about the results, while observing Nature so that he does not work against Nature. This is the meaning of working for the future. If one is really working for the future, the result is taken care of by higher laws.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Spiritual Regeneration 

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