Saturday, February 01, 2014

New education must teach the science of immortality

New education must teach the science of immortality. From childhood we must teach people that they are immortal, that the body will die and come again but the soul is immortal. We must teach the laws of reincarnation and karma, that whatever you sow you will reap, either here or there. There is no escape; karma is going to catch our tails.

If we teach these laws to our children, they will have a different life. If children learn from the beginning that if they do bad things, bad things will come to them, then they will live their lives a little more carefully. It is so sad that this idea is not yet taught in our school systems. Why? Because we still have so many other “more important” things to teach them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Education as Transformation vol.2

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