Friday, February 21, 2014

The evil forces even use prostitutes to hit certain targets.

There was once a village where the boys were the best athletes and warriors. Another village had the most corrupted youths who could not fight against the first village in sports or in economics. An evil person thought of a way to destroy them, suggesting to the leaders of the corrupt village that they organize some festivities to which they would invite the boys from the good village, as well as certain girls who had incurable sexual diseases.  The plan worked, and in ten years the good village buried many of its young men who had fallen victim to the hands of the corrupt village.

Girls who were drug addicts were also used to destroy handsome and promising young men. There were two very handsome brothers who became involved with a dark agent who was so wretched that she destroyed them both with her vices, suicidal tendencies, and criminal plans. Dark forces do not spare their own followers if they think they can achieve their goals by "sacrificing" them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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