Friday, February 28, 2014

Sometimes because of your karma you are not allow to see the deeper Teaching

Because of your karma sometimes you are not allowed to see the deeper Teaching. Your karma just obscures your eyes. It plugs your ears and you don't have any personal mirror to see it. You are not allowed. For example, a great Teacher comes and talks to you. You hear it and say "huh". And you go because your karma doesn't let you get that beauty or receive that beauty. You are not ready for it because you didn't pay for it. You didn't work for it.

Sometimes a disciple works and works, reads the books and collects things, and goes from school to school. Then he gives up. Why? The karma forbids him. His karma came to the front and said, "That's enough. Your watermark is reached. That's enough. Next time." Of course there are many aspirants who have fallen on the road, like the cars that have accidents on the freeways, and they are stuck. There are many aspirants like that. They run and they get stuck. They have fun going full speed, then something happens. The carburetor goes wrong and they are stuck because in the past they did something and now they do not have the full permission to enter into the greater life.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teachings of Christ vol.3

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