Thursday, July 10, 2014

High standards

Higher standards bring right human relations. They are more pro-survival and more inclusive. They bring greater harmony between people and better health to all. Higher standards inspire us to sacrificially serve, to become self-forgetful, cooperative, economical, harmless, and to develop a deeper sense of responsibility and dedication.

A lack of standards or low standards result in greater sickness, insanity, irresponsibility, selfishness, destruction, ill will, waste and separatism.

Contemporary life has set a big network of traps for people. Pleasures are easy to obtain through drugs, marijuana, alcohol and cheap sex. There are countless opportunities to hate and separate. Greed is pumped continuously into our veins. Through such methods, our high standards weaken and our consciousness diminishes.

One of these traps is self-interest. As one becomes more interested in himself, he slowly loses his higher standards and prepares himself for future failure. The consciousness of a whole nation declines when certain people introduce low level standards into it.

The leaders of the future must be very careful that moral, religious, political, educational, and cultural standards do not fall to lower levels because of the efforts of those who either lack standards entirely or who have low standards. Such a decline will lower the consciousness of humanity and prepare the way for many problems and difficulties.

Our standards are often tested in the astral and mental worlds. For example, you may not tell lies on the physical plane, but in your dreams you lie. This shows that your consciousness in the astral plane does not yet uphold the standards held by your waking consciousness.

Sometimes people outwardly act according to moral codes, but in their imagination they violate all  moral codes.

Our standards are also tested in various times in our life. People often use their standards under the pressure of fear or the law, but they forget about them on other occasions. Such behavior shows that the consciousness is not yet stabilized in its standards.

High standards are very precious and  can help the human soul as pillars of light in his subjective journey or when he passes away.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1

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