Friday, July 11, 2014

The need for good sleep

The physical body is kept healthy if you sleep between ten p.m. and five a.m. This is so important and people in America are mixed up. Their night is day. Their day is night. They watch very stupid, rascal films until three o’clock, and with all that imagination they go and sleep.
What happens? Their soul goes exactly to those obnoxious places that were on the television. Instead of going to Higher Worlds, classes, Ashrams, learning wisdom and regenerating their nervous system, they go to cabarets, to places of murder and violence. Then the next morning they say, “I feel so weak,” and they are so sour, negative. Especially if they are bosses, judges, you have problems with them because their mental and emotional bodies do not act right because their bodies are weird.
Only pure energy will make them think with reason and logic. When their energy is taken, their reason and logic are totally upside down. That is why the Chinese say, “When you are going to give an order to the armies, you must have a good night’s sleep.” After sleep you will be able to do the right thing.
If you intend to divorce, or have other problems, be careful that you do not immediately make decisions. Sleep on it, but do not sleep with pills. Do not sleep with alcohol. It is the worst thing you are doing to your body. To sleep with alcohol means to commit suicide. To sleep with drugs means double suicide. You are killing the future temple that is going to be built in our soul by using drugs. This is a very bad lesson for those people who use drugs. They do not know what they are doing for their future.
Sleep is very important and really is best between ten and five. Go to sleep. It is so beautiful to sleep. A poet wrote that sleep is a waste of time. He was so stupid. On the contrary, sleep is the accumulation of the most priceless gold in your life because it is in the sleep you are cured, you are energized, you are enlightened, and the devas and angels come and take away all the trash you have. Sometimes if you sleep until early morning you are refreshed in spite of all your problems. Try to sleep well.
To sleep well you are not going to eat after sunset. It is very bad for people because they eat until the last moment before they are going to put their head on the pillow. “What about this pie?” You are not going to eat after sunset, no matter what, if you want to have healthy bodies. You are not going to load the bodies.
The other day a seven year old boy told me he always shouts in his sleep. Sometimes he walks in his sleep and sometimes he beats his pillow. His mother told me that he was watching violent movies on television from eight to ten p.m. How can he sleep if all that he sees is accumulated in his mind as posthypnotic suggestions? The suggestions are going to have to release themselves, so they manifest at midnight during his sleep because he cannot yet do those things in his waking states of consciousness. He imitates them in his sleep.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

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