Wednesday, August 13, 2014

All forces must be organized for the reappearance of Christ

There is a great service, a world service. It is the reappearance of Christ. All forces must be organized in that direction. If you are not doing it, if you are caught in any other group in which there is no Christ and His reappearance, you are wasting your time and the time of others because you are preventing others from penetrating into the real core of the Teaching. If you are not hooked with the Christ spirit, you are losing your time. All the books you are reading, all the teachings you are giving that are not based in the reappearance of Christ and in the Hierarchical evolution and synthesis are all empty. They are wasting time, energy, and matter.

This is so important to know because many of you, thousands of people, are wasting their time on this yoga, that yoga, this and that. You don't need that! You need to develop the sense of direction, the sense of universality, the sense of synthesis, and to come in contact with the presence of Christ. You don't need any teaching at all! It is the sublimation, transformation, transfiguration of your life that you need, but you don't do this because the dark forces have organized "chocolates" and in the chocolates there is poison. You don't see that poison but I see that poison. You have millions of "White Brotherhoods", millions of "Teachers" and "Christs" and "St. Pauls" and "Napoleons" and "Marie Antoinettes."

-Torkom Saraydarian
(Teaching of Christ vol.3, p.347)

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