Saturday, August 16, 2014


Chaos is formed by those energy currents that are not yet under the control of a center. These energies, being loose, without plan and purpose, often are used by dark forces to create chaotic conditions on the physical, emotional, and mental planes of humanity. These chaotic conditions are often disturbing and preventing the impressions sent from Higher Sources to our planet.

Chaos increases when people act without a purpose or a plan and melt in the chaos, losing the purpose of their life. People often become a part of chaos when they lose their inner direction. Chaos increases also when planets, systems, or even galaxies are left without their souls, thus decaying in the currents of chaos.

Does not chaos operate under the Law of God, as it is from chaos that Cosmos emerges? The scientists think that Cosmos emerges from chaos. However it is not from the chaos that Cosmos emerges, as the baby does not emerge from a chaos.

If the scientists do more study on the formation of a body – atom, man, globe, solar system – they will see that first there is a perfect Archetype and the forces of the Archetype gradually condense it, plane after plane, phase after phase, until it is materialized. The curious thing is that every phase of descent of the Archetype into more condensation is a Cosmos more beautiful than the last condensation.

So the gestation period cannot be called a chaotic period. Chaos is not a state of gestation, evolution, or even involution. Then what is chaos? Chaos is an abortive phenomenon, a process of degeneration, conflict, unpurposefulness, goallessness, and planlessness, when forces are let loose to annihilate each other because of their choices.

Every atom, man, globe, solar system, and so on has its own choice, its own form of choice tolerated by the Omnipotent Architect of the Universe. Some of the forces in chaos decide to enter into the labor of evolution of a Cosmos, some not. In timelessness this continues without beginning or end.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1, p.145-147

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