Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dark forces make you earthbound

Dark forces make you earthbound. They try to make you earthbound by attaching you to possessions and material values — lending and borrowing, cars, money, sex, houses, land, investments, insurances — until you are caught. Once you are stuck to material values, higher values will never dawn in you because you are spiritually dead. You can have the best car, lots of houses, and expensive jewelry, but do not be attached to them. Be ready to renounce them at any moment, if necessary.

Identification with your properties is one of the worst forms of being earthbound. Can you be like Leo Tolstoy, who, as a rich nobleman, left all his properties to others and lived the last years of his life in seclusion as a very simple man? We can be wealthy, but everything we have must be used for the perfection of life.

- Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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