Saturday, May 23, 2015

Joy energy brings victory for both sides

Our diplomats, politicians, and military people try to use anything they can to secure victory over other nations, but they never thought to try the energy of joy in their plans and purposes.
But there is a very important difference between the energy of joy and other methods that the government uses. The difference is that joy energy brings victory for both sides. It illuminates and uplifts both sides and brings understanding and right human relationships between nations.
Joy energy does not allow manipulation, exploitation, and slavery, but causes diplomats, politicians, and the military to work not only for their own victory but also for the victory, happiness, success, and prosperity of others.

With joy energy, if scientifically studied and engineeringly applied to solve problems and bring in understanding, the life of the planet will free itself from the scourge of greed, animosity, revenge, and destruction and a new age of joy will emerge on earth.

-Torkom Saraydarian 
Happiness, Joy & Bliss

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