Thursday, July 09, 2015

Signs of Insanity

  • An insane person has no continuity of thought.
  • An insane person has no control over his blind urges and drives.
  • An insane person has no control over his emotions, nor over his thoughts. He continuously lies, either consciously or unconsciously.
  • Insanity acts through obsession and possession.
  • His thoughts are anti-survival or suicidal, self-destructive.
  • He has no drive for improvement.
  • He hides behind his hatred, jealously, and stupidity and never can get rid of them.
  • He is confused and because of it others easily can manipulate him for their own advantage.
  • He cannot keep steady friendship with anyone.
  • He does not inspire truth and confidence.
  • He changes his promises, dedication, plans, and relationships.
  • He cannot concentrate his mind on his responsibilities and duties or even on his labor.
  • His goals change continuously.
  • Insanity creates separation and problems between other people.
  • The failures, the defeat, the pain and suffering of other people make the insane person happy.
  • An insane person can easily be observed by his wealth, success, position, by praise and he uses them as an escape from himself and also to hurt others.
  • An insane person does not have joy but continuously runs after physical pleasures.
  • He can abandon his friends, his family members and speak foully against them to fill his empty soul with trash.
  • An insane person alternately hates you and shows appreciation to you for his own interest.
  • An insane person uses force and threats, to control you for his advantage.
  • An insane person changes locations, businesses, husband or wife or friends, and has no steadiness in his character.
  • An insane person involves you with his problems and then blames you for his problems.
  • An insane person also makes abundant promises to you to use you for his advantage.
  • His letters have no continuity, no logic. They are written for selfish reasons and are self-destructive.
  • An insane person is like a cracked boat, which is very dangerous to sail in.
  • Often he falls into fanaticism and uses it as a weapon on others.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1

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