Sunday, August 02, 2015

A disciple must create reactions

I once wrote to my Teacher and said, “Life is becoming very frightening. I am distributing works by various authors related to the Teaching, and, by doing so, I am creating many enemies in society, in my church, and even among my relatives.”

“Very good, very good,” replied my Teacher. “Now you are proving that you are becoming a disciple. A disciple, if alive and active, must create reactions. Reactions will unveil your enemies and will keep you alive and progressively striving. Do not have fear. Reactions sooner or later consume themselves as they are not based on truth.”

One does not need to plan to create reaction. Reaction will be there when you start growing toward the light. Of course, in addition to reaction, you will also have responses from those who are ready and open enough to receive your light. These are your co-workers who, when they join you, will evoke greater reactions from those who are afraid that their interests will be endangered because of your Teaching. Your co-workers will move the wheel of the society forward – and that will be your joy.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Ageless Wisdom, p.65

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