Saturday, August 01, 2015

People think that there is no reality in religion, in the Teaching

People think that there is no reality in religion, in the Teaching; that what the religions and teachings give is not real, is not fact, that it cannot be proved.

People think so, but the reality is that those who are sincerely practicing their religion or living the teaching are very different from those who hate religion or the Teaching.

First of all, any religion or Teaching has standards, principles, goals, purpose, and virtues. What can life be without standards, toward which we strive? What can life be if we have no principles? What can life be if we have no lofty goals or a supreme purpose? What can life be without virtues?

You can imagine two people who were born from the same parents, but one has a true religion or Teaching in his heart. The other follows his blind urges and drives, his selfish interests, and lives a life without a lofty goal or a supreme purpose, who lives in vices and feels proud of them.

Someone may argue that some people who have religion live worse than those who do not have them. Let us, for  a moment, accept that this is so. But those people who do not live according to their religion or Teaching do not really have religion or the Teaching. If we think that they have, then we must admit that they were tempted by their lower self, and for awhile they could not live according to their principles and standards.

Why would such people be worse off than those who live continuously without faith? It is more probable that the standards and principles will still have a chance to raise a fallen person, but who or what will lead a person who is not living in faith?

Some may argue that a person without religion or the teaching can live a good life, by obeying the law. Of course, the law is nothing but the representation of certain principles and standards forced upon people. But because the law is forced, the person will not obey the law as soon as he can escape the law. His obedience to the law is mechanical. It is not related to an inner transformation.

What will be wrong if a child believes in angels and lives as if he were living in their presence? Why will this be bad? Is it not better for him to believe in angels than to believe in murderers and criminals, and dream about violence all during the night?

Our beliefs, ideas, and visions have a tremendous influence over our life. Through our creative imagination we can bring into existence the protection we want. Why not to use our inner creativity and think that imagination has an effect on our life?

Faith is a psychic power that makes things exist and be real. Real things cannot change your life if you do not have faith in them. Unreal things can transform your life if you have faith in them.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.1

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