Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Are you using the life slowly to be annihilated by the One Light?

Once we had a very beautiful man, a Bishop. He was a hermit in the monastery, and day and night he meditated, wrote, and prayed. One day I went and told him, “You are so beautiful. With your absence and presence in this little room, you send me so much inspiration.” He replied, “Stop it. In the light of Christ, I am nothing and my entire endeavor is to be something for Him.”

That hit me so hard. This man did not say, “I am something, and I am going to be something for myself.” There is something psychologically, spiritually wrong here. You are going to be something for the Lord, so that you do something for Him. That is how the light reveals. Is there ego for you? Are you using all your life to emphasize that you exist, that you are something, or are you using the life slowly to be annihilated by the One Light? That is the goal.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teachings of Christ vol.1

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