Sunday, August 02, 2015

"There is room here only for one"

One of the great poets of Persia [Rumi] left us a beautiful story about a lover who went and knocked on the door of his beloved. The girl, who was perhaps an initiate of the mysteries, asked, “Who is it?’

“Me, your friend. I came to see you.”

“In my home only one can live. I do not have any room for another person.”

The boy was surprised about this very unusual answer and left in confusion. A few days later, thinking it was a joke, he again went back to the home of his beloved and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

“Me. You know it is me. Open the door.”

“I am sorry, but I told you there is room here only for one. There is no room for another person.”

The confusion and anger of the boy created an anxiety in him, and he left the door and went to a wise man. He told the Sage what had happened between him and his beloved and asked for advice. The wise man saw the reason for the girl’s action but did not reveal it to him. He told him to go and think about her answer until he found the solution to his problem.

Months passed and the boy could not put the problem out of his mind. One day as he was sitting near a river which was flowing into a lake, the idea of unity came to his mind. The river united with the lake, and they became one. There is no room for the river and the lake; there is room for the lake or for the river. There is room for both only if they merge.

Excited by this revelation, the boy went to the girl’s home and knocked at the door.

“Who is it?” she asked.


There was no answer – but the door slowly opened and the boy was taken in. The girl wanted to teach him that love is unity and oneness and, until one is aware of this, he cannot be admitted into companionship.

-Torkom Saraydarian
New Dimensions in Healing

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