Wednesday, August 19, 2015

That is how we clean our debts

I knew a lawyer who became famous and rich. Actually, I was the one who paid for his schooling in Asia. I was making good money in the Royal Air Force at that time. He was a wonderful boy and needed my support. He became a lawyer. Ten years later when he was making good money, he called and offered to give back the money. But I told him he had a great debt. He asked what it was. I told him to give the money to those who needed it for their education. He was very beautiful; he understood. He sent ten boys to school from Jordan to London to educate them to become engineers, lawyers, and doctors. That is how we clean our debts. Do good. Spread the instructions of the Hierarchy, of the Ageless Wisdom, and serve. Your karma will become less and less.

My father was a pharmacist and because of the war and shortage of doctors, his services were needed as a surgeon in a big hospital. There was a window in the pharmacy where people came to pay. My father would look at the man or woman and would sense that they did not have money. He would mark their bills paid. My mother would ask who was going to pay for all these bills. But many times I would hear my father say, “What I pay to poor people, God will pay to your children.”

One day while riding a car with four other people going from Jerusalem to Jericho, the car accidentally jumped the rail of a bridge and fell thirty-four feet below in the mud. We sat there. I was stunned at first, then I felt that there was no pain, nothing broke. “Get up,” I told them. But nobody answered: they were all dead. Five days later I went to my teacher and asked him, “Do you know what happened?” “Oh,” he said, “your father paid for you.”

-Torkom Saraydarian
Solar Angel vol.1

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