Friday, August 21, 2015

Work with joy

Saint Teresa, one of the great saints of the Catholic Church, came to the convent and was told to wash the sheets of the sick people. Every day while that poor girl was washing the sheets, she prayed and meditated. One day she said, “My Lord, if this pleases You, it is the greatest joy for me to do it because I am washing Your clothes.” Through such an attitude toward her work, she became an inspiring image for ages.

When people do any voluntary work and then complain how hard they worked and how tired they are, one must tell them not to work until they learn not to complain.

One of the Apostles said, “Always, in all conditions, be thankful.” He was not teaching religion; he was teaching psychology. Once a man starts to complain, he is negative; once he is negative, he is wasting energy and hurting himself. We must try to tune in with the positive energies of our innermost Self. These energies make us independent, free, joyful human beings.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Psyche & Psychism

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