Friday, September 11, 2015

Daydreaming can make you attach to the forms that you are repeatedly dreaming about

Often the effect of daydreaming is therapeutic. It takes accumulated pressure from the nervous system and releases the physical body from various tensions. But if used in excess, the forms created in daydreaming obsess the subject and create an artificial life in him.
Daydreaming can make you attach to the forms that you are repeatedly dreaming about. For example, if you are daydreaming about a girl or a boy who is gone, you create a magnetic astral form that becomes a cause to bring that boy or that girl into your future lives. You tie yourself with her or him through your daydreaming, and you do not allow yourself to meet other people who are karmically related to you. Those who come to us without pressure are closer and more beneficial to us than those whom we force to attach to us.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Imagination & Visualization 

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