Saturday, September 12, 2015

Imagination controls the mechanism of the secretion of the glands

Imagination controls the mechanism of the secretion of the glands. Abnormal imagination on the same object overstimulates the related glands and wastes a great amount of energy. Secretions are very “tasty” for certain kinds of spirits who attach to the person either constructively or destructively. The secretions of negative emotions attract destructive forces, and the secretions of positive emotions attract constructive forces.

Dogs smell our emotions through our secretions. Certain entities are nourished by our smell. A good smell is a sign of a healthy imagination. A good smell attracts higher entities because they love harmony. A bad smell is a sign of disorder and bad imagination.

When we control our imagination, we will see a great improvement in our glandular system.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Imagination & Visualization

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