Tuesday, September 08, 2015

“If you love God but do not love your friends, you have failed”

Ten, fifteen years ago a “zombie-like” person came to see me. He had a wife and three children. He deserted them and I asked, “What are you doing now?” He said, “Eventually I got rid of all these chains and now I am serving God.” I said, “You are sick. You stink.” He said, “Man, I came here because I knew you were a Teacher or Leader or something.” I said, “I am nothing. You be something. By leaving your duties and escaping your duties you will not even reach closer to your nose.”

The secret words of Christ that we did not understand until now, and are still not understanding, are our curse. “If you love God but do not love your friends, you have failed.” That is not love. First you must love people. Then you can love God.

This is such a deep idea but people do not talk about it. You are in this religion, that religion, in this church, in that church and you say, “I love God.” Yes, but you neglect your children, your neighbor, or you hate people who are not in the same religion. How come? These things must come to the surface.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.1

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