Wednesday, September 09, 2015

People created an ideology labeled, “Have at the expense of others”

People created an ideology labeled, “Have at the expense of others.” This is the deepest cause of human unhappiness and it is the cause of all our diseases. The moment we think in separative terms, that moment we cut ourselves from the facet of Oneness, we create conflict in our whole system. One day people will realize that cancer is the result of all the accumulated signals impressed upon our genes while we were serving separatism and self-interest in our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Of course, all separatism and self-interest is occupied with jealousy, fear, hatred, and revenge. Such states of consciousness affect our cells, and the cells try to live a separate life.

What is good for all is good for you. This is a new concept for present humanity. In the past we thought only for our separated benefit. In the future it is the Common Good that will condition the good for your individual self.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Cosmic Questions vol.3

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