Thursday, February 18, 2016


Our ordinary telescope is capable of seeing matter. But higher clairvoyance sees matter, the force field, the energy field, the sources of these energies, and the future development of all these.

The eye has the capacity to take the smallest atom and study it as if it were under a very highly developed microscope. Or it can extend itself in space and see the objects and activities as if they were in front of it.

Unfortunately, governments spend huge amounts of money, time and energy to build mechanical instruments, but they do not search for those who are born with higher clairvoyance and give them all possible help to develop their gift for the benefit of people. Instead, throughout centuries, people who demonstrated higher psychic qualities were persecuted and often put to death, and their works were burned and annihilated, with rare exceptions.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Imagination & Visualization

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