Thursday, February 18, 2016

Necessary humiliation

Humiliation is a necessary pressure on the personality by the Inner Guardian, to release the spiritual consciousness in man. Without this pressure, the personality grows at the expense of spiritual values.

There are many kinds of pressures needed to cause certain alchemical changes in the whole structure of man.

One of the pressures is a kind of “feeling” when a beloved one turns against you and slanders you.

Another one is the “feeling” you experience when you come face to face with losing your reputation, prestige, and honor and being considered a failure. This is a very strong pressure created to crack very hard crystallizations in your nature, but they cause the spirit to release itself.

Another one is the “feeling” when you confront the loss of all that you have.

Another pressure is the “feeling” that one experiences when facing the presence of death.

Another one is the “feeling” one experiences when someone proves that your whole reasoning and logic are based upon illusions.

Nature causes such “feelings” or pressures to create emancipation within you and to allow the released spirit to find its way to higher dimensions. Such experiences give us intense joy, spiritual contentment, ecstasy, wonderment, admiration, and bliss.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.2

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