Sunday, March 06, 2016

A worker of the Hierarchy does not reveal anything about your past lives nor does he read your aura

A worker of the Hierarchy does not reveal anything about your past lives nor does he read your aura to show off or to gain influence or money. It is possible that a worker of the Hierarchy, on some rare occasions, reveals a part of your past life for specific instruction or to point out a defect in your aura, as a warning. The worker of the Hierarchy is mostly interested in the future expansion of your consciousness, rather than in your past.

The disciples of the world must be very careful not to listen to those charlatans who read people's auras and tell them about their past lives without having the real capacity or a reason to do it. Until one develops higher clairvoyance and passes the Initiation of Transfiguration, his readings are false, inaccurate, misleading, and mixed with millions of impressions floating in space.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Eyes of Hierarchy

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