Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Rejection of a life-after

A great and well-known scientist passed away about fifty years ago. One of my Teachers arranged for us to leave our bodies and see this scientist in the etheric plane. When I saw him, he was wrapped in a dark blanket like a cocoon.  He could not go to the astral plane. We returned and studied his life. His last statement was, “There is no immortality. Man is not immortal. After this life, everything is finished.” That is denial of life-after. Ask and you shall receive. This is another law in the Universe. If you ask for death, death will be given to you. If you ask for life, life will be given to you.

That scientist is condemned with his own denial. This is how materialism is a “dead end street.” When you act against your spirituality, you make your future miserable.

Rejection of a life-after means that you really know that you are immortal; you do not deny it. But you do not want it because you are attached here. For example, I knew a very nice bishop who was sick and dying. I asked him why he was afraid to die. He replied, “I do not want to leave my properties, my friends. I just started to build something.” This is rejection. When you are rejecting while dying, whatever you are rejecting pushes you away and leaves you on the shore instead of taking you into the ocean.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Passage to Higher Worlds

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