Thursday, March 31, 2016

Advice for pregnant women and mothers

In some parts of Asia the pregnant woman was kept away from those people who were negatively oriented, morally low, gossipy, and full of ill-will. It was believed that contact with such people might pollute the atmosphere of the growing embryo and have a bad effect on the child. A pregnant woman was kept away from loud parties, heavy work, and alcohol and kept busy with Nature, religious services, lofty literature, and music. She was given the opportunity to sleep well and to keep company only with those who were happy, healthy, and full of love and wisdom. It was believed that such a condition would help the future child greatly.

If we compare this situation with the present age, we find the reason why we have so many problems with delinquency. Today's pregnant women drive their cars every day in tension and fear. They work under manifold pressures and many kinds of irritation. They spend many hours watching television through which crime, greed, hatred, jealousy, and fear are continuously being impressed on the consciousness of the growing entity. Add to this the pollution of water, food, and air. Such an atmosphere will not be beneficial to the coming baby, and after he is born he still does not have ideal conditions. mother soon must return to work. The baby sitter will take her place, and eventually the child will be exposed to the television with all its evil influence. He will usually be left alone until the father and mother return home, and the love they will show him will not be full of energy and radiation. Under these conditions the child will not have the necessary attention, care, and companionship of his mother especially and very little from his father.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Christ, The Avatar of Sacrificial Love

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