Monday, March 28, 2016

There are millions of deluded people trying to eliminate thinking

If a person studies their mind carefully, they will notice an incessant flow of thoughts. No one has ever existed who doesn't have a constant flow of thoughts. If they stopped thinking, then they would become catatonic. Who invented this theory that we should stop thinking, stop remembering, and stop planning? It has never existed in any legitimate spiritual path, either Eastern or Western. I think this new theory comes from the CIA, who also creates thousands of fake quotes from Buddha, Rumi, and Lao Tzu, and spreads them around social media. The goal, it seems, is to zombify the human race. There are millions of poor, deluded people all over the planet, trying to eliminate thinking, planning and remembering, victims of a CIA mind control zombification program.

One can experience pure consciousness without thoughts. In Hinduism its called Samadhi. But only in meditation. After one finishes meditating, then the thinking begins. Without thinking, one cannot know or do anything. Everyone has thoughts all day long. The word for a human is man, from "manas" or mind. A human is a thinker. That's what humans do.

Keep learning, thinking and planning, because without these nothing can happen. A person who is attempting to end thinking, remembering, and reflecting on the future, is a being at war with their own nature. Don't try to be a zombie. Try instead to be a vibrant, wise, benign being.

-Merlin Saint Germain

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