Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The greatest medicine is Divine Help

There was a woman who came to me and said, “I have a husband who drinks so much and smokes cigars. I am sick of it. I do not know what to do.” I said, “What did you decide to do?” She said, “Well, you know what I want to do.” I said, “What did you decide to do?” She said, “Well, you know what I decided – to divorce.” “Well,” I said, “that’s an escape.” “Well,” she said, “is there any other way?” “Yes,” I said, “pray.”

She started to laugh, as if I had said the most comical thing. I said, “You don’t believe in prayer?” She said, “Prayer, are you crazy? What is prayer going to do for my drunk husband?” “Well,” I said, “you came to me to ask for an answer, for advice. That is my advice. Pray.”

For one week she prayed, and she called me and said, “It doesn’t work.” “Yes,” I said, “because you are not praying right.” One week later, she called me again and said, “He is doing worse.” I said, “That is a good sign.”

The third week she called me and said, “He is obnoxious now.” I said, “Continue,” because I am seeing that her problem is coming to a crisis, and until it comes to one hundred degrees, it is not going to boil. So put the fire a little higher so that it starts boiling.

Then one night, at midnight, she called me. She said, “Guess what? He came to my bed. He said, ‘I am not going to drink anymore. I think it is bothering you.’”

She said, “Now he is with me. I am hugging him and talking with him.” “Did you see,” I said, “you could do it.” “But” she said, “it is powerful. No medicine, no doctor, nothing helped him.” I said, “Well, the greatest medicine is Divine Help.”

-Torkom Saraydarian

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