Saturday, March 19, 2016

In each of us there is a deceiver

The progress of a human being starts the moment when one side of yourself begins not liking the other part of yourself. You have made a cleavage. You either agree with your other part or you disagree.

For example, suddenly you begin to hate things that you are doing. You feel a duality within you. One side of you holds to higher principles. The other side holds to the side of negative emotions, thoughts, and actions. This moment, or the length of time of inner opposition, is the most critical moment in your life. It is the moment that will decide your future – your victory in life or your failure. It is in this period of time that you will do all that is possible to stand and act in the light of your Inner Guide.

In each of us there is a deceiver, but it does its job in such a way that we do not feel any difference within us. If there is no one fighting within you for your highest and interior interests, you are lost. That is what the war was about in the Bhagavad Gita. The whole intention of Krishna was to convince Arjuna to stand in Light and fight for the everlasting values of life.

Once I found out that there was a deceiver in me, I was shocked. And once I caught his tail, I never let him free to devastate my life.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.2

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