Friday, June 03, 2016

An uneducated or undisciplined teenager will use his time for self-destructive actions

There is an opinion that teenagers must enjoy life, being free from every kind of labor, duty, or responsibility. But it is this attitude that leads them into various troubles in their teens and in the future.

In certain countries in Asia, teenagers are part of the team of labor of the family. They must join in the daily labor of their parents, not expecting rewards but as a part of their life. Every day they must have a duty, a responsibility, and a labor to be carried out. Such a procedure has a very beneficial effect on the life of the teenagers.

The more the teenager is devoted to a constructive labor, the less he will be a problem to the family or to society.

An uneducated or undisciplined teenager will use his time for self-destructive actions and ruin his own future or watch television all day, sleep, and imagine sexual fantasies.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol. 2, p.315-317

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