Friday, June 10, 2016

Masculine nature - Feminine nature

The masculine nature wants to dominate; the feminine nature wants to encompass and be inclusive.

The masculine nature works with matter and mind; the feminine nature works with emotions and intuition.

The masculine nature works with will power; the feminine nature works with the power of love.

The masculine nature is the path; the feminine nature is the field.

The masculine nature demands; the feminine nature gives.

The masculine nature asks questions and finds answers; the feminine nature feels and intuitively learns.

The masculine nature divides and separates; the feminine nature synthesizes.

The man and the woman are just like two feet on the path of evolution: each has its own ups and downs, and each either leads or follows.

-Torkom Saraydarian 

Woman The Torch of The Future

1 comment:

  1. This is beyond beautiful... Thank you Elena!
