Saturday, June 25, 2016

Thinking produces certain chemical elements in the body

Average people are not ready to understand that thinking produces certain chemical elements in the body. People eat and assimilate food, and thus apply the chemical elements needed for their bodies. On a different level, thinking produces elements in the mental sphere.

If the mental or emotional actions do not provide certain elements to the aura, then the body does not assimilate the same elements from the food or vitamins it takes in. Thus, for example, when iron is lacking in the aura, the body will not assimilate iron from food, and if it is introduced in the body artificially through pills or injections, the body will either discharge it or it will create disturbances.

There are emotions which consume certain elements from the body. There are emotions which produce the same elements. This is also true for thoughts. Through certain ways of thinking, one accumulates, say, potassium. Through other ways of thinking, potassium is consumed and depleted from the body.

The chemistry of the bodies of average humanity is produced in the etheric-astral centers. In advanced human beings, it is mainly produced in the mental centers and in the layers of consciousness.

There is no scientific instrument to prove such a theory as yet, but through observation and experience one may notice that certain changes in consciousness cause changes in the chemical elements of the body.

In the future, these observations and experiences will be scientifically documented, but for the present the cure for the deficiency of an element in the body can be met by expanding the consciousness, developing lofty and creative thinking, and filling the heart with loving and positive emotions. As our consciousness expands, it will naturally provide all the elements we need for the body.

Uneven development or fluctuation between light and darkness has negative effects upon the chemistry of the body. The body is like a harp. The harp must be in tune so that one produces music. The same is true with the body. When the thoughts are lofty and in tune, they create the needed chemistry to make the body healthy and creative.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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