Monday, June 20, 2016

What is the cause of inertia?

What is the cause of inertia?

When you are not laboring, when you do not have that urge to labor, to run, to jump and dance, to be moving, it means that you created in the past such conditions in which your fuses burned and they do not transmit pranic energy anymore. You are going to work very hard to repair the electronic tubes in your body so that you start taking in energy.

The obstacles for the energy can be different things. For example, a wrong physical action creates obstacles to receiving prana. A wrong emotion, negative emotions, can cause another fuse to blow out. A plan that is based on separatism, destruction, hatred, vanity, or ego can blow other tubes in your brain. When these tubes are blown-out, you cannot receive prana from the earth and from the sun, and you fall into depression, inertia, and apathy.

All is energy. Energy is there, but the receiver is not there. What you did through your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual wrong actions, you condemned yourself in such a way that you cannot now receive energy and put your machine into action. How to repair it? That is labor itself.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.2

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