Monday, July 25, 2016

Distorted images affect the imagination and slowly distort the etheric body

The natural pattern of the etheric body must not be disturbed because the etheric body is the blueprint of the physical body, and any changes in the etheric body cause changes in the physical body.

The etheric body changes and affects the body when the human body is represented visually in distorted images, such as clowns, ugly masks, and ugly, distorted, half-animal, half-human fantasy characters, like the ones presented in many contemporary movies. Such distorted images affect the imagination and slowly distort the etheric body.

People are defeated by the ugly pictures impressed on their etheric bodies, and they develop various weaknesses. This is a tragedy we see occur in various art works and publications in which the most distorted images are presented as funny, virtuous, or wise so that the images penetrate more deeply into the human etheric body.

People think that caricature is an art form. In some sense it is, but with all the wisdom that is behind it, it is a highly subtle technique to form distorted patterns in the human mind and etheric body. Many “cookies” mixed with poison are given to humanity.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Consciousness vol.2

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