Friday, July 29, 2016

Why is Hierarchy not changing the terrible conditions of the world?

Many people ask, if the Hierarchy is so great, Why are They not changing the terrible conditions of the world? The answer is that Hierarchy does not violate human free-will. You can build yourself or you can destroy yourself; but Hierarchy will continue to stand as an example of purity and immortality. The members of the Hierarchy give the Teaching, but they never force Their Will upon people. If you hear or read that a "master" forced his will upon someone, he is not a master; he is a human being. The greatest characteristic of a Master is that He never imposes His will.

The second characteristic of the members of the Hierarchy is that they never violate karma. If you do something wrong or you break a law in the universe, They let you face your karma, understand your lesson, and pay for it so that by your own hands and feet you climb the ladder of evolution. But if you ask for help, They help you, if your karma tolerates that help.

The third characteristic of the members of the Hierarchy is that They have tremendous wisdom because throughout the ages They gathered knowledge and experience in Their souls; and through experience They know what is right and what is wrong, what is in harmony with the Divine Will and what is against the Divine Will. The members of the Hierarchy are sources of wisdom; this is why the Masters are sometimes referred to as the "Masters of Wisdom".

-Torkom Saraydarian
Talks on Agni, Vol I, Chpt 26: Hierarchy, Pg: 290

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