Monday, November 28, 2016

Our dealings with each other will condition our next birth

People never think that their relations with others will condition their birth next time. Why not? If they know this, they will be a little more careful  to have next time a body that is really healthy, is really beautiful, is really accident free. For example, I had a car accident that really hurt me. I said, "Who knows what I did?" Nothing happens without a reason. Nothing happens by accident. All these things bring us to our senses. We realize that we ourselves created the causes of our present pain and suffering.

Our dealings with each other are very important because our dealings with each other are forming the prototype, the physical, emotional and mental prototype that is going to give birth to our body, to our health, to our intelligence, and to our future success or failure. It is very important to think about that.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3

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