Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Depression is a trap

Depression is a big trap. Why are people depressed? You will be surprised. When faults accumulate, your Soul looks at you and says, "You are so icky," and you become depressed. Depression is a sign of doing many many wrong things. It is the realization of your past faults without conscious awareness. It is a subconscious happening.

Faults and errors accumulate and cause depression. They come to the surface. Depression is a sign of having done many, many wrong things. Whenever you are depressed, be careful and analyze it. See if there are things you are doing that are wrong. Depression is a trap. It imprisons you.

Wrong and right  are not judged by the ideas of millions of common people. It is a very delicate thing. Only God knows how to find right and wrong; we do not know it. But the result will show it.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Virtues & Values vol.3

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